Okay, home stretch!! Today we'll be covering the last five practices of our 15 practices for an epic 2019! Let's do this! 15 Practices for An Extraordinary 2019 - PART III 11. Get Outside Your Comfort Zone - Nothing amazing happens from within the dreaded comfort zone. In 2019, I want you to promise yourself that you'll practice stepping outside of your comfort zone consistently. To really develop as a human being on this journey we call life, we can't hold on for dear life to certainty and safety. If there is a constant in life it's CHANGE (well, that and taxes). We can't be so tied to our comfort zone that we are rigid and unwilling to stretch ourselves to intentionally grow into the next level of our development. Are you tolerating less than you deserve because unhappiness feels better than uncertainty? This is a sure sign that you are holding on to the comfort zone for dear life. What if we loosen the grip, what if we allow ourselves to breathe, to take a tiny step of imperfect courageous action, to explore new possibilities (like moving to Texas)? Maybe, just maybe, you'll discover that something grand... a more courageous, powerful, skilled, expansive, confident, and happier version of you waiting for you to give her/him a chance to show up in your life. This year, I want you to be uncomfortable and do it anyway. I want you to GO before it's perfect. Say yes to dancing with the magic that lies beyond the comfort zone. 12. Do More of What Makes YOU Happy - This year I want you to get really serious about happiness. Serious about happiness, haha! Okay, okay, you know what guys, I think my jokes are funny 😜. But really, I want this year to be the year you really get to know yourself and the things that most make YOU happy. And then go DO them. I want you to put happiness on your calendar. I want you to study your joy, your light, your playful and fun side, and the things that bring you most joy and make sure you are prioritizing that in your life. Life is too short not to know what makes you happy and to not prioritize joy. There is no "waiting until ____" to prioritize happiness. No, this is an everyday priority. I've actually been studying happiness for years. So much so that I even invented a whole concept around it: #Happinizing (book to be written in the next few years!) I was sooooo unhappy in my life, that I was forced to study happiness so I could have more of that good stuff in my life. Based on my years of research, I arrived at a conclusion. People say that happiness is a choice, I call bullshit. Happiness is a skill. You've got to practice happiness. You've got to be intentional about creating a happiness routine in your life, this is why I need you to know you and know what makes YOU happy. Please, make #happinizing, and your happiness a priority this year. It could change your life, I know it did mine. 13. Prioritize Self-Love and Care - This year I want you to really prioritize self-love and self-care. I know that at one point when my coaches told me that I should prioritize self-care I looked at them with a blank stare. What? Self-care? What does that even mean? And what do you mean I have to do this... But this has meant everything. You see, my not prioritizing self-love and self-care led to me getting pretty sick. I was prioritizing everything and everyone but me. I was last on my priorities list. It sucked. But that girl is no more! She got coaching and now I have dedicated time on my calendar to make sure I am taking great care of me. I schedule in massages, quiet time, exercise, healthy means, alone time - whatever self-care and self-love means to me, it goes on my calendar on a consistent basis!! So tell me, what does your self-care regimen consist of? How do you celebrate self-love and self-care on a weekly basis? 14. Say YES to Love - As you know, my themes for 2019 are LOVE and EXPANSION. Love for me means reaching for more than just connection. It means being open to being vulnerable to my family, my friends, the special person in my life, and my tribe (you!). It means I have sooooo much love for myself and the world, that I no longer look for external validation or approval. It means I connect with my heart and listen to the song that it hums. It means that just like with happiness, I practice love. I'm intentional about love. I visualize, breathe it in, basque in love. Because, after all, all you need is love. 15. Have Faith and Believe in Yourself - Finally, in 2019 I need this to be the year that you really, really tune in and say YES to Faith and believing in yourself, your potential, and your future. Faith means breathing into those hard parts, giving yourself grace, knowing that it's going to be okay even if it's hard right now. Faith means standing steady, even as your knees shake and voice quavers. Faith means trying again, and again, and again, and knowing that you are on your way. We can work, we can be disciplined, we can fight, and sometimes, things just work out differently. Faith means having grace with your path, with yourself, with your journey, and learning to as they say in Silicon Valley, iterate. Try it this way, that way, but keep at it, holding steady, knowing that you've got everything you need right now to turn your life into the masterpiece that it deserves to be. In 2019, you've got to choose you. You have to keep choosing you every day. You have to believe that you can have the life that you are working to turn into a reality. You have to know that right now, you are whole, you are enough, you are safe, you are worthy, you are enough. And if you do these 15 practices, if you 1) Step Into Your Power, 2) Choose Positivity and Joy, 3) Are Courageous, 4) Are the Boldest, Brightest, and Badassiest Version of YOU, 5) Say No to Perfection, Yes to Action, 6) Have the Audacity to Dream BIG, 7) Fight for Your Dreams, 8) Be Disciplined and Work HARD, 9) Establish a Morning Routine, 10) Take Charge of Your Growth, 11) Get Outside Your Comfort Zone, 12) Do More of What Makes YOU Happy, 13) Prioritize Self-Love and Care, 14) Say YES to Love, and 15) Have Faith and Believe in Yourself, this will be one of the most epic years of your life. If you continue it past 2019, your life promises to be a pretty incredible and joyous masterpiece. So go make it amazing. Make it grand.
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